Questions? Call now: 307-429-2947
You look good for knowing Creative TC, and we want to pay you for sending clients our way (we’ve literally made it a part of our marketing budget).
We want to be the first that anyone thinks of when someone needs creative finance underwriting, training, consulting, or transaction management.
Simply send a 3-way email to [email protected] to introduce the lead and we'll chase it from there!
(see terms & conditions below)
Promotion vs Referrals: What's the Difference?
Creative TC loves when people promote and recommend us to others—it helps build our reputation and spread the word. But there’s a difference between promotion and referrals.
Promotion happens when someone hears about us because you’ve recommended our best-in-class service (and you look good for doing that).
A referral, on the other hand, is when you take it a step further and personally connect someone directly with us.
This is what we really want to encourage—and we’re happy to pay you for it! The best way to refer is by starting a 3-way conversation (via email or text) that includes the lead and [email protected], so we can track it back to you and ensure you get paid when we close the deal.
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